Health Services


COVID-19 Vaccine

For more Frequently asked questions visit. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html

Additional Vaccine Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How do most vaccines work?

Most vaccines are made from the same germs (or parts of them) that cause disease. Most vaccines are injections that contain weakened or inactivated germs. After you receive a vaccine injection, your body’s immune system is triggered to produce antibodies to fight the disease. Your body produces antibodies all the time to fight off different infections, and vaccines trigger your body to fight off infections when you are exposed to them later.

Does the COVID-19 vaccine contain the COVID-19 virus?

No. These vaccines provide protection without the use of weakened or inactivated Covid virus.

Can I get COVID-19 by taking the vaccine?

No. This is a common myth associated with vaccines. Often, an individual who receives a vaccine has already contracted the illness, but is not showing symptoms. When they are given a vaccine around the same time, they believe they are sick because of the vaccine, but this is not true. Also, the triggering of your immune system by the vaccine can cause brief, mild symptoms that may resemble an infection.

How do the COVID-19 vaccines work?

Like all vaccines, this vaccine will tell your body’s own defenses (antibodies) what the COVID-19 virus looks like and to attack it before it can infect you. The COVID-19 vaccines use either messenger RNA (mRNA) or viral vector technology. These vaccines work by giving the body instructions to produce a protein which is present on the surface of the coronavirus. If the COVID-19 virus tries to enter your body and infect you, your immune system recognizes the COVID-19 virus and fights against the entire virus to keep you from becoming sick.

How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine?

All COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness and death. 

Who can get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Any member of the public, 6 months and older, regardless of where they live, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Walk-ins are welcome at any of the tribe’s outpatient health centers from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Call 539-234-4099 to schedule an appointment.

What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine? Will it make me sick?

The vaccine will not give you COVID-19, but you may experience an immune response (short-term side-effects). This can include pain at the injection site, fever, muscle aches and pains, headache and fatigue - similar to side effects experienced by those who receive the annual flu vaccination. Side-effects are usually mild, wear off after a couple of days, and can be alleviated with medications like ibuprofen.
