Health Services



Academic Afternoons

Resident academic sessions take place every Friday afternoon from 12:00-5:00pm. The sessions include a guest/attending physician lecture, discussion of assigned reading material, resident case presentations/discussions, and board question review. Additional topics covered during these academic sessions include lab/test interpretation (EKG, ABG, etc) practice, case simulations, office/hospital procedures training, point of care ultrasound training, and discussions of various topics in the areas of business, ethics, personal finance, and practice management.

Journal Club

Journal Club is held monthly. A resident will be assigned each month to choose an article to read and discuss with the other residents and attending physicians. During these sessions, the residents are trained to critically analyze journal articles regarding study designs, data analysis/collection methods, and interpretation.

Best Practices Conference

Residents are assigned once per year to present a topic during the Best Practices Conference. The conference takes place on Wednesdays at noon. The assigned resident will pick a topic of their choosing and create a presentation to include the most current practice recommendations. Residents will team with a faculty member to assist with their presentation. This presentation will be made available for viewing to all providers at each of the nine Cherokee Nation Health Centers throughout northeastern Oklahoma.

QI Projects/Research

Residents will have the opportunity to participate in various quality improvement projects within the Cherokee Nation Health System. Residents will also have the opportunity to participate in various research projects within the Cherokee Nation Health System and at Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation. Each resident is required to complete one QI project and one scholarly activity prior to completing their residency training.

Medical School Simulation Lab/Procedures Lab

Residents in the Cherokee Nation Family Medicine Residency Program will have opportunities to utilize the patient simulation center at Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation. Cases will be periodically scheduled during academic afternoon sessions, and residents will work through these simulated cases in teams. In addition, opportunities to practice various office/hospital based procedures are available to the residents and will be scheduled periodically during academic afternoon sessions.

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Residents will receive a point of care ultrasound device in their PGY1 year to use for training on rotations. Training is given in the form of in-person courses, didactic sessions, and clinical rotations.