Health Services


Crown and Bridge Program

The Cherokee Nation Health Services (CNHS) Crown & Bridge Program is designed as an incentive service for eligible patients that have displayed a desire to achieve optimal dental health by following through with all of their recommended dental treatments. This allows the CNHS dental department to offer more comprehensive dental options to maintain a patient’s teeth.

Program Eligibility:

  • The patient must be a registered member of a federally recognized tribe.
  • The patient must have a record with CNHS, and a dental exam must be conducted at the patient's current CNHS dental clinic.
  • The patient must pay a $100 copay. This can be paid in the form of a cashier's check or money order made payable to the Cherokee Nation, per unit.

Program Requirements:

  • Crown procedures are scheduled at the discretion of the dental department based on needs and clinic schedule.
  • Patients eligible for this service are responsible for keeping their appointments. Broken appointments may affect patient eligibility.
  • Patients are eligible for this program at the Cherokee Nation Dental Clinic where their exam was completed. If a patient wants to transfer to a new clinic, a transfer exam will need to be completed prior to the scheduling of a crown.
  • Eligible patients may not receive more than 3 crowns or 1 fixed appliance (ex. bridge) in a calendar year.
  • Replacement or repair cost for any crown will be at the patient’s own expense unless the failure is due to materials.

Contact CNHS Dental Clinics:

  • A-mo Health Center
    900 N. Owen Walters Blvd.
    Salina, OK 74365
  • CNHS Tahlequah Health Campus
    19600 E. Ross St.
    Tahlequah, OK 74464
  • Cooweescoowee Health Center
    395200 West 2900 Rd.
    Ochelata, OK 74051
  • Redbird Smith Health Center
    301 S. J.T. Stites Blvd.
    Sallisaw, OK 74955
  • Sam Hider Health Center
    859 E. Melton Dr.
    Jay, OK 74346
  • Three Rivers Health Center
    1001 S. 41st Street E.
    Muskogee, OK 74403
  • Vinita Health Center
    27371 S. 4410 Rd.
    Vinita, OK 74301
  • Will Rogers Health Center
    1020 Lenape Dr.
    Nowata, OK 74048
  • Wilma P. Mankiller Health Center
    471688 OK-5
    Stilwell, OK 74960